Sensitivity Consultant: Caring Sensitivity Reader for LGBTQ+, Nonbinary, Trans, Neurodivergent Topics

Why do you need a sensitivity consultant? A sensitivity reader is someone who comes from a particular background, with particular life experiences, who can advise on the most respectful ways to write about similar characters or in their areas of expertise.

I am a published writer, editor, and educator. I am a queer, bisexual, nonbinary, trans (transmasculine), neurodivergent person. I am white and American.

So what can I help you review as a sensitivity consultant? Perhaps you are writing about a trans family member and you are not sure what is okay to include. Perhaps your novel has a nonbinary character. Perhaps you are unsure how your statements on gender are going to come across to a nonbinary or transmasculine person. I can help!

Sensitivity Consultant: Caring Sensitivity Reader for LGBTQ+, Nonbinary, Trans, Neurodivergent Topics

“I wanted to be sure my discussion of someone undergoing a gender transition was fair and respectful. Rey was very clear about what needed adjusting and why.” —Elaine

I am a considerate and reasonable editor. I empathize that it can be difficult and nuanced to write about trans people. A second pair of eyes can be crucial to make sure your reasonable message gets to your readers, without people misinterpreting what you want to say.

The first question I ask when reading a piece about a trans or nonbinary person who isn’t the writer is, “What is the message you want to share with your readers?” It could be how communication in a relationship is hard. It could be how family is important to you. It could be sharing your life experience to find others who relate. Emphasizing this core theme in your piece often not only makes the piece stronger, it makes it less about another person’s transness.

I have reported on how to write about trans people with respect in The Postscript and written about nonbinary people in creative nonfiction for Brevity’s Nonfiction Blog. My weekly newsletter is all about building community by using more respectful language to help understand each other.

If you’re looking for a sensitivity consultant or sensitivity reader, I’d be happy to learn about your project.

Whether you’d like a sensitivity reader or more involved editing, I’d be happy to work on this for you. Please get in touch through the Contact Us page or book a free Discovery Call.